
June 1st 2024 to July 1st, 2024 Sponsors Update

Repo / NPM Package Updates

Existing packages that weren't directly-related to the Satisfactory Clips Archive or Community Highlights Archive were shifted over to so that it was clear which work was archive-related and which was generally satisfactory-related.

The GitHub reorganisation also meant that all the relevant repos now show up on one project planner instead of having one in my personal GitHub space separate from the different specific GitHub organisations.

New NPM Packages


Forked from @satisfactory-dev/docs.json.ts , for easier reuse amongst the calculator-related projects.


Forked from Satisfactory-Production-Calculator, the guts of the experimental production calculator slightly-less experimental production planner.


Forked from Docs.json.ts in pursuit of having less of a headache dealing with getting exports working with Docs.json.ts & Rollup 😅


Forked from Docs.json.ts in pursuit of having less of a headache dealing with getting exports working with Docs.json.ts & Rollup 😅


Still not exactly easy to use because of the licensing blocker, but now no longer needs to be used as a git submodule


Forked from Docs.json.ts in pursuit of having less of a headache dealing with getting exports working with Docs.json.ts & Rollup 😅

Calculator Planner Updates



issues list for this period

  • readme finally added
  • web worker support experimented with but put on hold when it didn't quite behave as expected
  • some false positives & false negatives in what calculation strings were considered valid resolved
  • number-specific code forked to a separate repository + npm package


issues list for this period


  • not made open source, repo is issues only. This is similar to SCIM's source not being open , except with the calculator's UI source repo not being public.
  • names of pools, groups, and collections are now context-dependant (id number will only be appended in contexts where collisions are relevant)
  • example save files can now be opened into the json document loading dialog, allowing them to be viewed/edited before being loaded.
  • production pools/names now featured in relevant dialogs
  • toggle for auto-following the current pool (affects state of sidebar)
  • auto-upgrade of JSON Documents from older versions to current version legacy version support dropped, auto-upgrade will still be employed in future updates.
    • example save files don't need to be updated in order to continue to be used
  • new save has a default pool, document loader supports poolless documents
  • migrated to npm package rather than using the repo as a git submodule.


  • consistent sort order for report views
  • different sections of the report views highlighted to try and avoid change blindness when scrolling

Recipe Selections

  • recipe selections now able to be set at the global, collection, and group levels in addition to the pool-level recipe selections.
  • recipe selection items can be removed
  • recipe selections can be cloned from other pools before being customised
  • toggle to defer recalculation until after recipe selection dialog closed
  • added recipe ingredient icons to recipe selection dialogs

Production Flinging

  • sort order now able to be changed without editing the JSON document
  • undesired behaviour where zero-amount items would be filtered from production flinging fixed
  • entries now able to be deleted (previously stuck with either editing the JSON document or setting output amount to zero)
  • input items now able to be used as production flinging sources, meaning pools can function as being equivalent to redistribution floors
  • breadcrumb trail for destination added to dialog to avoid inadvertently adding the wrong pool as a destination (re: duplicate names)